May 20, 2008
YODEX 08' / 長庚大學工業設計 - 因為。所以,
新一代設計展 08'
Because. Therefore,
Because it’s an end, it starts.
The graduation exhibition represents a full stop of our college lives and also a launching pad for our future design career.
Because designing means solving problems, discovering new life styles, we speak for our products and design for a better life.
Because. Therefore, is a way to give voice to our concepts of design.
May 6, 2008
UNION / urban folding bike

目前台北市等大城市的捷運系統規定,乘客搭乘捷運時若攜帶摺疊腳踏車,必須要以「車袋」將腳踏車收起,若無使用車袋包覆,則不能搭乘捷運系統,因為腳踏車的複雜結構或是齒盤等尖銳的零件,可能會危害其他乘客的安全,若是人潮擁擠時更容易發生危險,為了解決這個問題,在UNION的設計中,在左右加上了兩片側板,不只讓腳踏車收納或騎乘時更美觀,再轉乘捷運系統時也不需要收納至車袋當中就能乘坐捷運,省去攜帶車袋的麻煩,也更能增加乘客的安全。At present, MRT regulate that passengers who want to take bike with them should put their bike into the “bike bag”, because the sharpness of component of bike might hurt people. Owing to solve the problem, UNION puts on two side boards, not only to make the bike look good but also save the strength to put the bike into the bag while protect other passers.
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